Welcome to my silly website!

There isn't much here yet, and I don't really have a plan or anything for this. I'll probably just be adding my little experiments to here just to have them on the web and not just a file on my PC...

You can look at some pixel-arts I made If you want :)

You can ignore these ^-^"

Here's a stupid little clicker game that I made from my phone:

I made a minesweeper game!

I made this a while ago, so I'm probably done with it, but maybe not. If I do decide to add anything it's gonna be making the bord resizable and option to change bomb amout.
Click here for the game!

Game instructions:
Left-click to reveal a cell
Right-click to flag a cell
tip: once a cell is flagged you cannot reveal it
If you reveal a cell containing a bomb you lose!
Reveal all empty cells to win!
Good luck, and have fun!

Check out my tumblr!